React installation

Welcome to my next blog.

      in this blog i'm share with some coding example of react.

How to start react project:-

you need to use IDE to start using. you can simply use VS code for coding. and also have some paid development tools like webstom. Some university's provide free license for this IDE.

After that first you need to create project.To start project you need to write like this.
   open the cmd in your  project folder location
  then you need to write
    npx create-react-app <app name>
  then need to go app folder using cd <app name>
next you can start react project using npm start key word

if you haven't install react-dom need to install it
   npm install react-dom --save

then you need to install webpacks using these codes
  npm install webpack webpack-dev-server webpack-cli --save

If you working with html files you need to install babel packages
   code is:-
         npm install babel-core --save-dev

Simple app using react

In app.js

first you need to import React
import React, { Component } from 'react'
//then need to create class extending components
class App extends Component{
            <h1>First React App</h1>
//finally need to export class

export default App;

Output :- "First React App"

It runs in your localhost.



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