Intro to react

Hello Everyone..

In this blog i share about basic of reactjs

What is ReactJS..?

ReactJS is essentially an open-source JavaScript library used to create user interfaces specifically for one-page applications.

ReactJS Features..?

In React, instead of using classic JavaScript for templates, it uses JSX. JSX is a simple JavaScript that allows HTML citations and uses this HTML tag syntax to render sub components. HTML syntax is handled in React Framework JavaScript calls. One can also write in old pure JavaScript.

Single-Way data flow;-
In React, a set of immutable values is passed to rendering components as properties in its HTML tags. The component can not directly modify any property, but can transmit a callback function with which we can make changes. This complete process is called "descent properties, return shares".

Virtual Document Object Model;-
React creates a data structure cache in memory that calculates the changes made and then updates the browser. This allows a special feature that allows the programmer to encode as if the entire page was rendered at each change, while the active library only reacted to the actually edited components.

Why ReactJS

ReactJS is simply easier to grasp immediately. The component-based approach, well-defined life cycle, and the use of simple JavaScript make it easy to learn React, build a professional website (with mobile apps), and support it. React uses a special syntax called JSX that allows you to mix HTML with JavaScript.

Native Approach;-
React can be used to create mobile applications (React Native). And React is a strong advocate of re-usability, which means that code reuse is excellent. At the same time, we can create IOS, Android and Web applications.

React offers no built-in container concept for dependency. You can use the Browserify, Require JS, ECMAScript 6 modules that we can use via Babel, ReactJS-di to automatically inject dependencies.

see you in next tutorial 

Thank You 


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