
Showing posts from May, 2019

Node Introduction

What is NodeJS..??    Node is open source server environment.. it runs various platforms likes windows, unix, mac os etc. node uses js on the server.  node can generate dynamic page content. can create, open,read,write,delete, and close files on the server and can modify data in your database. Setup Node js.. first you need to download and install node js   then check your node version using node -v type in cmd then you need to connect to port. for that you need to install express using npm install express --save   after that you need to import react react-DOM express libraries then you need to write following code to connect to port. your connection is successful print the message. app.listen(3000, (err) =>{   if(err){      console.error(err);      return;       }    console.log("Listen port 3000"); }); Before this you need to add details about project in package.json using npm init key word. then you can start project. then i

React installation

Welcome to my next blog.       in this blog i'm share with some coding example of react. How to start react project:- you need to use IDE to start using. you can simply use VS code for coding. and also have some paid development tools like webstom. Some university's provide free license for this IDE. After that first you need to create project.To start project you need to write like this.    open the cmd in your  project folder location   then you need to write     npx create-react-app <app name>   then need to go app folder using cd <app name> next you can start react project using npm start key word if you haven't install react-dom need to install it    npm install react-dom --save then you need to install webpacks using these codes   npm install webpack webpack-dev-server webpack-cli --save If you working with html files you need to install babel packages    code is:-           npm install babel-core --save-dev

Intro to react

Hello Everyone.. In this blog i share about basic of reactjs What is ReactJS..? ReactJS is essentially an open-source JavaScript library used to create user interfaces specifically for one-page applications. ReactJS Features..? JSX:- In React, instead of using classic JavaScript for templates, it uses JSX. JSX is a simple JavaScript that allows HTML citations and uses this HTML tag syntax to render sub components. HTML syntax is handled in React Framework JavaScript calls. One can also write in old pure JavaScript. Single-Way data flow;- In React, a set of immutable values is passed to rendering components as properties in its HTML tags. The component can not directly modify any property, but can transmit a callback function with which we can make changes. This complete process is called "descent properties, return shares". Virtual Document Object Model;- React creates a data structure cache in memory that calculates the changes made and then u